Topic: Technical Notes
Note: The Encyclopedia is in the middle of a major renovation, with the page designs being completely renewed and updated. So you will encounter a mix of old and new as you browse through, which may be quite confusing. Hopefully, it won't take too long to finish the job ...
- Other carving techniques:
- Other printing techniques:
- One-point lessons:
- General:
- Printing tools:
- Pigments and paste:
- The Printing Process:
- Using 'nagura' on the blocks
- Re-inking blocks
- Reinforcing the 'Kento' corner
- 'Locking' the paper in place
- Order of sheets when printing
- Avoiding brush 'lines'
- Maintaining consistent colour
- Getting the block warmed up for printing
- 'Flipping' sheets during printing
- Printing very delicate colours
- Protecting the paper from 'sagging'
- Cleaning fresh 'blots' from prints
- Making paper 'soft' for printing
- Some 'bounce' in the woodblocks
- Moistening the printing brush
- Carving tools:
- The Carving Process:
- Troubleshooting: