Posted by Dave Bull at 6:50 PM, November 13, 2007
Continued from [Seacoast in Autumn - 8] | Starting point of the thread is [Seacoast in Autumn - 1]

Yet another three today ...
Impression #13 - Next level of green on the mountainside ...

That impression by itself (on scrap paper ...) :

Impression #14 - Second level of vermillion colouring on foreground leaves ...
Printed in the same 'careless' way as the previous vermillion impression. (I use what is known as a 'sandpaper' baren ... there is no actual coil of knotted bamboo inside ... just a sheet of sandpaper. No pressure can be used at all, and the resulting impression is faint and patchy.) The block is carved to about half the leaf area of the previous block ...

That impression by itself (on scrap paper ...) :

Impression #15 - Gradation on sea ...
Still two impressions to come on the water ...
If you click the image to bring up the enlarged version, you'll see where I had a bit of trouble this evening. I've been using the final sheet in the stack for the scanning, running over to the computer to make the scan immediately after the printing run is done. I can't wave the print around in the air too much or it will dry out, so I do this as quickly as possible. This evening, I was walking across the room, and dropped the print .. which landed face down on the floor! So from this impression up to the end, there is no escaping the dirty marks and streaks on it here and there ... sorry!

That impression by itself (on scrap paper ...) :

The thread continues in [Seacoast in Autumn - 10] ...