Posted by Dave Bull at 7:20 PM, November 12, 2007
Continued from [Seacoast in Autumn - 7] | Starting point of the thread is [Seacoast in Autumn - 1]

Three more today ... moving along slowly but steadily ...
Impression #10 - Next level of blue on the lower portion of the sea ...
The ragged area along the left side of the area is chopped out in a broken pattern. At printing time, after pigment is brushed over the entire area, I wipe off this edge with a damp tissue, to leave a kind of faint gradation there.
Also, the white foam cutouts around the rocks in the sea don't match the ones on the earlier block. These are larger holes, leaving the lighter blue visible in some ragged places in the 'foam'

That impression by itself (on scrap paper ...) :

Impression #11 - Vermillion colouring on foreground leaves ...
Printed in faily 'blotchy' colour by using rough brushing and weak baren pressure. It gives a much more interesting effect by printing the green first then this colour over the top, than by just mixing the required colour in a bowl and doing it once. There will be another block used here later ...

That impression by itself (on scrap paper ...) :

Impression #12 - Second level of grey tones on stones, and for shadowing on the foliage.

That impression by itself (on scrap paper ...) :

The thread continues in [Seacoast in Autumn - 9] ...