Posted by Dave Bull at 1:22 PM, February 23, 2010
Continued from [Seacoast in Spring - 4] | Starting point of the thread is [Seacoast in Spring - 1]

So, after more than a week taken up with proofing and other 'irrelevant' work, printing is finally underway!
We're going to 'build' this one in a bit of an off-beat way. The print has a number of nezumi-ban (grey tone blocks to add shadow, depth, and variation to the colours), and it is usual to print those after the other colour blocks are done. But I found during my proofing that because there are so many grey blocks on this print (5), it made more sense for me to lay those down first, and then figure out the colour saturation later. At least that was how I did it for the more successful proof prints (which I'll show you later, after we're done with the printing run).
Anyway, let's get started; here's impression #1 - First of the five grey base tones:

And here goes #2 on top of it:

There is still a boatload of other work screaming at me for attention, so I don't think I'll be able to get more than two impressions done per day for the next little while. There are going to be 13~15 in all, so if I'm lucky, we'll be done around a week from now (there are 112 sheets in this first batch).

The thread continues in [Seacoast in Spring - 6] ...