Posted by Dave Bull at 11:48 AM, February 14, 2010
Continued from [Seacoast in Spring - 3] | Starting point of the thread is [Seacoast in Spring - 1]

Right on schedule! The block set for the Seacoast in Spring is now done. The last group of blocks took a full two weeks, exactly as predicted:

These are the same five pieces of wood, in the same order, as seen in the previous photo taken a few weeks back (repeated here), but flipped over to show the reverse sides:

In addition to these ten faces, there is a key block (seen a couple of weeks ago), and then this final easy little block:

As you can see ... for the first time in this series, we have a clear view of the 'wildlife' ... And no, it's not going to be two fish dancing - this block has multiple registration marks, and will be used more than once ...
Proofing won't begin right away though. I've got a huge pile of housework waiting for me, laundry, kitchen, etc. etc., as well as a bunch of office work. Once that's out of the way, I have to 'finish' work on the website for the new series, confirm a few details about the case and other packaging components, and then - once everything is pretty much nailed down - make the announcement and open the site.
I had previously said that this announcement would be on the 15th, but this may slip a little bit. (Blame this on Internet Explorer! :-)

The thread continues in [Seacoast in Spring - 5] ...