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New eBook on woodblock prints published today!

Posted by Dave Bull at 1:20 PM, October 29, 2009

'David's Choice : An invitation to a viewing of prints from the personal collection of Tokyo woodblock printmaker David Bull'

The eBook contains an introduction, an index, and 10 content pages. Each of those pages shows one of the woodblock prints in David's collection, photographed as clearly and beautifully as possible, in very high-resolution, with each print also being accompanied by a number of close-up views. The main content of the volume though, is the collection of audio clips - one for each page. These were recorded by David in the manner that he would use had you been sitting in his library together with him. He tells you about the background of the print, why he thinks it is special, and what you should look at ... The recordings are not lectures, but simple conversations with a friend. To experience the entire 'exhibition' will take the two of you together just about an hour ... Download the book, prepare yourself a mug of coffee, and enjoy the (spectacular) show!

The eBook is priced at $5, and is available for immediate downloading. When you place an order from the catalogue page, a personalized link will be automagically sent to you a few seconds after completing the transaction, and when you follow it, the book will be downloaded to your desktop.


In the meantime - news on the 'Your First Print' eBook published a week or so ago: the CDs are scheduled for shipment here within the week. The mailing envelopes are all prepared, and a few minutes after the boxes arrive from the pressing factory, the discs will be on their way!


Following comment posted by: Marc Kahn on October 30, 2009 12:52 AM

I've viewed (and listened to) my copy of "David's Choice". It is very well done. Of course, I'd rather be sitting in Dave's library looking at the actual prints, one-on-one with Dave, but this is the next best thing.


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