Posted by Dave Bull at 6:53 PM, November 7, 2007
Continued from [Seacoast in Autumn - 4] | Starting point of the thread is [Seacoast in Autumn - 1]

It's been quite a while since the last update ... so many things going on here to distract from the production work!
After getting the basic set of blocks ready, I spent a few days proofing them, and trying out a few ideas. I got a bit of feedback from the few people I showed the samples to, and have settled on a basic concept for the image. I'm still not sure exactly where to take it, but the clock is ticking, and it's time to get going on the first batch for the eagerly waiting collectors! :-)
So here we go ... There is no beta block this time, as I don't want to kill the paper in those areas where there will be foam at the seashore, so we start right off with the keyblock (most of these images are clickable for enlargements):
Impression #1 - Key block ...

Impression #2 - Beach ...
The sand down in that cove is actually quite a dirty grey colour; it's a mix of grains from light-coloured sandstone, fragments from a dark-coloured volcanic rock, and the usual organic detritus. But I definitely don't want a darker gloomy feeling on this print, so I'm waving my 'artistic license wand' over the scene, and giving it a bit more 'sandy' feel ...

That impression by itself (on scrap paper ...) :

Impression #3 - Sky ...
There are actually mountains in the distance ... we'll add those later ...

That impression by itself (on scrap paper ...) :

The thread continues in [Seacoast in Autumn - 6] ...