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Woodblock Shimbun updated!

Posted by Dave Bull at 9:12 AM, July 1, 2013 [Permalink]

Have you been reading the 'Woodblock Shimbun' recently? Motto: 'All the Print News that Fits!'

I stole a bit of time from the carving work yesterday (I've begun work on my own next print, in the 'Arts of Japan' series ...) and did some updating of our press/media pages.

It's good news/bad news though, for most readers of this blog. There are a number of very interesting magazine stories just uploaded ... but they are all in Japanese!

Still, if you would like to look at pretty pictures :-) head over to the (Japanese) index page, and select some of the more recent items in the list.

If you don't mind seeing older items, use the English index page, where there are a number of them stretching back in time ... (including lots of TV clips further down the page)

Not all the photography is the most flattering, though; who chose this one (published just last week)??


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