Posted by Dave Bull at 8:48 AM, October 29, 2010 [Permalink]
For the past few months, I have been posting small 'countdown' images, showing a series of numbers being crossed off. This was the one from a month ago, showing 'one' left:

Well, here we are at the end of the month, and this weekend, it is time to post the final version:

Those of you who have read the Autumn edition of my newsletter posted the other day already know what this is about. November 1st is Mortgage Liberation Day!
The countdown was simply showing the progress of the 120 monthly payments of the ten-year term of my housing loan. Sometime in the coming week, when the final paperwork gets stamped with my seal, and the last legal fees are paid, this house/workshop will be 'all mine'.
Two stories in my newsletter give a bit more background: the original story (from ten years ago) about buying the house, and the current story about paying for it.
And I paid for the whole thing with my baren! Wow! (Actually, my collectors paid for it, but you know what I mean!)
I was chatting with my mother last night on Skype, and she asked me about the upcoming typhoon. Huh? I don't have a TV here, and without actively checking a news or weather report on the 'net, I am sometimes a bit behind events ... She suggested that I take a look.
I immediately went to a weather page, and found this:

Woot! A large, and strong one - Typhoon Chaba - is scheduled to be somewhere around right on top of me come Sunday morning. Now that circle is pretty wide, so we don't yet know just who will get the brunt of it, but I wonder ...
Sunday morning. The day before closing the loan. Could it be that the gods are planning a bit of a 'chuckle' here? Hmm ... Stay tuned!