Posted by Dave Bull at 12:34 PM, August 3, 2009
Continued from [Forest in Summer - 14] | Starting point of the thread is [Forest in Summer - 1]

At first glance, what's happening in this next one may not be so apparent. These scans are a tad 'washed out' and have a bit less contrast than the thing I am holding in my hand. Anyway, I've pulled out the block used for the darkest parts of the tree, and have done a gradation on it, deepening the areas around the green grass (this step will show more clearly in the 'process slideshow' that I will prepare once I'm done):

Then, moving on to the mushroom ... first step is to put a vermillion 'underlayer' onto the top surface:

And then, put a gradation of a richer red over the top of that::

Time for a 'count' ... how many left now? I'm thinking two more on the mushroom, and then ... still not completely sure about this ... perhaps six to print the background area in the 'v' ...

The thread continues in [Forest in Summer - 16] ...