Posted by Dave Bull at 1:20 AM, May 14, 2009 [Permalink]
How would you like to drop by my workroom for a visit? Do you live too far away? No fear ... with the 'Studio Soundscape' recording that was made this afternoon (with my new Zoom portable digital recorder), you can sit by my side as I work on one of the prints, and 'listen in' to what is going on.
The Soundscape is linked from a new page in the 'Diversions' section of the website. In order to make the recording a bit more understandable, I have created a photo 'essay' to show and explain just what it is that you hear during the 30 minute session, which was recorded while I sat at my bench working on a print from my 'My Solitudes' series - with the windows wide open ...

The recommended way to listen to the Soundscape is by downloading it to your computer and then playing it in your favourite music player with headphones. This will give you the best stereo effect, and will put you 'right there' at the printing bench. But the audio can of course also be played directly in your browser too.
I should mention that there is a very special 'bonus' included in this Soundscape. No sooner had I turned the recorder on, than I had a visit - an extended visit - from the local kingfisher. He flew back and forth all during the time I was printing. It was almost as though he knew that I was recording!
I hope you will find this to be worth a listen!

Also, about that Zoom recorder. I'm having such fun with it! I've kind of lusted after a DAT recorder for many years (hopelessly, of course), but it looks as though solid-state digital recording is going to put that technology out to pasture.
This tiny machine is incredibly easy to use, and does - to my ears - a fantastic job of recording; you can hear not only every movement I make, but every little ripple from the river, and all the wonderful bird sounds too. I'm really looking forward to exploring what it is capable of, and I think we'll have more Soundscapes coming soon.

[Update: I have now tried using the Zoom to record the audio for my A Story A Week series, and it has made quite a difference in the results. You can compare: the audio for story #176 was done with a Sony mic plugged into the computer, and story #177 with the Zoom unit.]