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Next NHK TV appearance now scheduled

Posted by Dave Bull at 9:39 AM, September 6, 2012 [Permalink]

I posted a couple of months back that I had been approached by an NHK producer about doing another program for them, and here we are - it is now scheduled for (global) broadcast, on cable channels around the world, and on the internet. Broadcast will be next Monday/Tuesday the 10th/11th, and the internet version will be repeated six times at approximately 4-hour intervals, to accommodate people in different time zones.

Their information page on the program - Journeys in Japan - is here, and the page with scheduling information is here. (There are menus on that schedule page to select the date and your own time zone.)

If you will be watching the program on the net, it will be visible on the player located on the NHK World front page (select the 512K option for a larger view ...).

Printmaking content? None! This is a travel program, and I will be your host, introducing you to the Shirakami Sanchi forest area ...

While we were driving back towards the airport to return to Tokyo, the producer asked me to write a 'few words' sometime later for use on the program web page. I had my laptop with me though, and nothing else to do at the moment, so tapped it out and handed it over for her to read. She gave the OK ...

During the course of making this episode of Journeys in Japan, I was taken by a guide into the deep recesses of the beech forest, where we walked side by side among the old trees. I felt the rain on my upturned face, I saw how this water nourished the new soil that was being created from the fallen beech leaves by the action of many insects and small creatures, and I immersed my body in the fresh mountain stream.

I learned through my skin - through the contact with the rain, the soil, and the river - that I too am a living part of this process. When we came down from the mountains and saw the endless vista of rice paddies flourishing under the hot sun, we understood where their nourishment came from. And still further along our journey, out on the wide surface of the Sea of Japan, we saw that even there - far removed from the outstretched branches of the beech trees catching the rain - their effect was still being felt. The fish we ate that day had been nourished directly by the nutrients supplied by that forest.

And I - the big pink monkey who was your travel companion for this program - this animal drank the forest, ate it, swam in it, slept in it, and thus now directly understands in his bones the importance of such things. I hope that I and the program producers have helped the viewers understand what a wonderful place this is, and how important it is to preserve, protect and maintain it.

Thank you for coming along on this Journey. I hope you have enjoyed it!


Following comment posted by: Gayle on September 7, 2012 11:57 PM

Dave, I hope I'm reading the schedule right because the only time I would be able see this is the one that I believe would be showing in our area at 8:30 a.m. I'll definitely be here then, or I could stay up late on Monday night and watch it at what appears to be 12:30 a.m.
The other two times it's showing during the day I have to be at meetings which last two hours each. I really really want to see this!

Following comment posted by: Dave on September 8, 2012 8:02 AM

Well there will be six airings in all over the 24-hour span, so hopefully you can find at least one of those that fits your free time!

Following comment posted by: Julio Rodriguez on September 12, 2012 8:30 AM

Saw the program twice today (9/11), could not find the channel on my Commcast cable network but watched online on the NHK website; the only bad thing was the small window size.

Great job Dave, you look like you had a great time !

Following comment posted by: Dave on September 12, 2012 9:07 AM

Julio, didn't you try the 512K option, as I mentioned? That brings up a nice large viewer ...

Following comment posted by: Dave on February 7, 2013 7:12 AM

[Update: a dub of the program is now stored here]

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