Posted by Dave Bull at 3:38 AM, March 16, 2010
Helper Ichikawa-san returned a batch of the finished books for Chapter 12 yesterday evening, so I had to put aside the Mystique carving work and get some paulownia boxes ready.
The company that made these for me definitely has a sub-standard idea of what constitutes 'nicely finished'. It's not as though I was asking them to 'go the extra mile' ... I just want them to 'get to the finish line' in one piece ...
So each box needs a going-over, and many of them aren't making the cut. I ordered 100, and have orders for 48, so the worst ones are getting set aside without any attempt to even try to get them in shape.
The ones that seem acceptable get a little touch up with sandpaper:

And then get their label glued on (on the flip side of the front flap):

They certainly feel 'empty' with just one book inside ...

... but should have a much nicer 'feel' once they are at home on the collectors' bookcases, with the 12 chapters nicely stacked on the four inner shelves (three chapters for each seasonal group).

Ten is all I had time for today; the shipping boxes are due to arrive tomorrow, and out these will go, to be followed by more batches over the next week or so ...