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[Seacoast in Spring - 3] - Key block done ...
Continued from [Seacoast in Spring - 2] | Starting point of the thread is [Seacoast in Spring - 1]
Steadily chewing away at this block for the past few days ... It's the 'key', such as it is; really just the darkest of the blacks. The only place that there is a specific 'outline' is on the body of the fish.
And over the next couple of weeks I'll be making incremental additions to the web site for the upcoming series; today I finalized the schedule ...
The thread continues in [Seacoast in Spring - 4] ...
Posted by Dave Bull at 12:40 PM
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Posted by Dave Bull at 11:20 PM
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Show & Tell time is coming!
With the end of the 'My Solitudes' project now in sight (although still months away), it's time to stop procrastinating about the 'exhibition' question. Those of you who have been following my work for some time know that there has been a 'disruption' in my long-established exhibition pattern in the last couple of years.
For 19 years I held an annual exhibition every January, but the last few of those were all 'less than successful', and rather than continue pouring money down a black hole (exhibitions here in Tokyo are expensive!) I decided to stop for a while. This made sense from another angle too, as the Solitudes project was clearly going to take a few years, and it seemed logical to wait until completion before showing it. So I just put 'exhibitions' out of my mind ...
But here we are ... with the series coming to an end, there is a decision to be made - have a show, or just hunker down and save my pennies for food?
Before I could make a sensible decision, I needed some data; it was time to get on the train. So one day late last year I printed out a listing of galleries in the Ginza area of Tokyo, along with their rental rates, and headed out to do some scouting. It didn't take long to learn that things are really in flux: around a quarter of them were gone. Shuttered. And my list wasn't all that old. The recession is obviously pounding those places hard.
I wasn't sure whether this was good news, or bad. With far fewer places available, would this make it more difficult to find available space in one of the remaining ones? It turned out - after making inquiries at a few places that seemed suitable (size / price) - that far from being booked up, most places had a calendar full of holes, something that was completely inconceivable just a couple of years ago. In the days when I was booking my annual exhibition in Shinkuku every year for example, I had to put my name down for the week I wanted as far as two years in advance. It seems those days are gone.
Anyway, long story short, after plenty of walking around and looking at available spaces, I settled on one, and - after a bit of 'discussion' - negotiated what I thought was a good rate, and booked it for a date this spring.
It's a very small place, and there will be no room for much more than the Solitudes series, a Mokuhankan corner, and the announcement panel for the next project. The gallery has a VR photo online here, taken during an exhibition some years ago. (Click the red numbers to bring up the VR photo (if you have Quicktime). Drag in the image to turn around, etc.)
It is in a very good location, about one minute from the main Ginza intersection. It's just about 250,000 yen rental (for seven days), which is about half what I paid in the previous much larger places, and well below typical Ginza rates of some years back.
So here we go ... the dates will be March 29 ~ April 4, which gives me time (hopefully) to finish the 12th print, as well as prepare the first one in the new series, for explanation and order taking. (The 'starting gun' on the new series will fire on April 1st, with the first print (and case) being shipped that day.)
The big question on this will be how much response I get from the media when they receive the pamphlet that I will be preparing and sending out soon. They may continue to ignore me, as in the past few years, or maybe they will cover this one. No idea.
And now I have to start to figure out how to fill that long long thin space with an interesting display of these prints. It's about 1/8th the floor area that I had available in the previous few shows, so this is going to be an 'interesting' challenge!
Posted by Dave Bull at 12:36 PM
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[Seacoast in Spring - 2] - First group of blocks done ...
Continued from [Seacoast in Spring - 1]
It's difficult (impossible) to maintain a stream of updates when all I'm doing is carving. The printing stages give people something to look at, but carving is certainly not something that is very interesting to watch!
But things have been moving forward steadily, and maybe it's time to give you a sneak peek at the work done so far (click for enlargement):
Some of these blocks are 'easy' (less detail) and some are pretty busy. To keep the progress of the work balanced, I've been alternating between the two types. I'm now doing the keyblock, which will take a week or so, and then when that's done, will flip these five over and do the other sides, which are very similar to the faces you see here.
So it'll be a few weeks yet before there is any chance of getting to the proofing stage.
In the meantime, lots of other things are getting done. The winter newsletter is now out for translation, the preparation work for the next series is progressing well, and my explorations in Tokyo the other day turned out to be successful.
Eh? Explorations in Tokyo? Ah, perhaps I didn't mention that yet ... You can get an update by checking out this weekend's entry in the 'A Story A Week' series ...
The thread continues in [Seacoast in Spring - 3] ...
Posted by Dave Bull at 8:41 AM
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[Seacoast in Spring - 1] - getting underway
So, the Woodblock Webcam came alive this evening, after a nearly three week hiatus, and the multitude of waiting viewers got to see the first carving on the final print in the My Solitudes series - the Seacoast in Spring!
Why the three week gap? Well, getting the design worked out accounts for at least a week of that time, and as for what kind of work got done on the rest of the 'missing' days, some of the announcements that will be made here over the next few weeks should fill you in! :-)
The thread continues in [Seacoast in Spring - 2] ...
Posted by Dave Bull at 3:21 PM
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Book Review : 'Your First Print'
Very nice present in my Inbox this morning - I discovered that the 'Your First Print' eBook has been featured in a review on the wonderful 'Lines and Colors' website.
Lines and Colors is one of my favourite blogs, and even when I have one of my periodic prunings of the feeds in my RSS reader, this one always survives! Nobody working in the arts fields should miss the parade of images accompanied by knowledgeable commentary that Mr. Parker provides on a regular basis.
The quality of the work he features is very high indeed, and I am honored to be included among his choices!
Posted by Dave Bull at 8:30 AM
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