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Free Promo DVD just out!

I had a request a few weeks back from a video crew who wanted to come in for a couple of hours and shoot some scenes of my workshop and work. I gave them the go-ahead, and they hung around for a while shooting this and that, and then sticking a camera in my face and asking a few questions.

It wasn't quite clear just what this was all for, but I found out this afternoon, when a DVD came in the mail. Seems that it's a sort of mixture of advertising/promotion/trailers/music video/etc. etc., and in the middle of the jumble of stuff, they wanted to have some kind of core 'content'.

That's me!

It'll be on display racks - 'Help Yourself' - in video and record shops all over the country for the next six weeks. So any of you in Japan, go ahead ... help yourself!

Here are a few screen shots ...

Right at the end of the thing, they 'got me'!

Posted by Dave Bull at 12:08 AM | Comments (1)

Mokuhankan is open!

After about three months of planning and preparation, my new woodblock publishing venture - Mokuhankan - is now open!

Here's a quote from the Mokuhankan introduction:


The Concept

Mokuhankan is a woodblock print publishing venture established by myself - Tokyo printmaker David Bull. Over on my Woodblock.com website, I display and distribute the woodblock prints that come off my own carving and printing benches; the prints you will see here on Mokuhankan have a different origin - other craftsmen will be involved in the carving and printing (although I too, will be joining the production crew on occasion).

I will select the prints, I will hire the craftsmen, I will organize the sales/distribution and the events, and most importantly - I will set the standards by which this organization will operate, and that ... is where the story lies. ...


Please visit the Mokuhankan website, and browse through the print catalogue. I hope you will find something there of interest!

Posted by Dave Bull at 10:01 AM | Comments (0)

Port in Winter

We skip forward hundreds of years this time - to the early 1840s. This image is taken from a set of prints designed by Hiroshige, which featured ten famous ports of Japan - Nihon Minato Zukushi. The location depicted in this print turned out to be a lot more famous than Hiroshige could have imagined, and played quite a special role in Japanese history. Just ten years after he gave us this peaceful view of the port on a snowy evening, this same village was 'host' to a fleet of ships arriving from overseas. Yes, this is Uraga Port, where in 1853 Commodore Perry arrived with his famous 'Black Ships'.

I wonder just how realistic the picture is; did Hiroshige actually visit all the places that he depicted in his landscape prints? I read an analysis recently of his famous set of images of the Tokaido route between Edo and Kyoto. It showed that most of the locations at the Edo end of the print set were quite recognizable and could be identified fairly easily, but that from one particular point along the route, the pictures become more vague and can't be linked clearly to actual locations. The thesis is that Hiroshige only travelled part-way along the road, and that a number of his designs were drawn from his imagination.

So although this peaceful little port may indeed have looked something like this, we might suspect that a 'modicum' of artistic license was used ... But that, of course, is what we want in a Hiroshige print. We're not looking for a photographic reproduction, we're looking for atmosphere, and there is plenty of that in this one!

It also occurs to me that after Hiroshige's series on the famous ports was published, copies of those prints must have been sold at each of the locations in the set, as souvenirs. I wonder if any of the Black Ship visitors bought this print back then? If so, it would have been among the very first ukiyo-e to leave the country!

Monday, May 8, 2006

(Here's the print in context in the Small Print Collection.)

Posted by Dave Bull at 07:53 PM | Comments (2)