Fletcher - Woodblock Printing : Appendix

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Wood-Block Printing

F. Morley Fletcher

Appendix I

An original print in colour, designed and cut by the author and printed by hand on Japanese paper, followed by collotype reproductions showing the separate impressions of the colour blocks used for this print.

The particulars given in Chapter VIII on co-operative printing refer specially to the original print included in the first edition.
In this edition an entirely new print is shown, and only 1,000 copies of it are being published.


Plate VIII - An original print designed and cut by the Author, printed by hand on Japanese paper.
(click image to pop-up an enlargement)


Plate IX - First printing.
Key block. Black.


Plate X - Second printing.
Dull red. Printed lightly at the top.


Plate XI - Third printing.
Deep Blue. Strong at the bottom, paler at the top.


Plate XII - Fifth printing. Bright Orange.
(The fourth printing, not shown, is a similar small block, printing a faint tone over the road in the foreground)


Plate XIII - Sixth printing. Indian Red. Gradation.


Plate XIV - Seventh printing. Green. Printed flat.


Plate XV - Eighth printing. Bluish green. Gradation.



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