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In order that you may understand the process of making these prints, I have prepared a few sets of 'process photos' ...

The first is a step-by-step sequence of photographs taken as I made a reproduction of a print by Yashima Gakutei. I don't own a copy of the original print, but I do have a Meiji-era version of it, and it is this which I have used for my 'master copy'.

The second set of photos shows the sequence of printing the colours on a print by Koryusai.

(For viewing this easily without constantly scrolling back and forth, you will need a monitor capable of viewing about 850 pixels horizontally ...)

The third set shows the sequence of printing the colours on a Kaigetsudo design.

The fourth set shows the sequence of printing the colours on a shin-hanga type of design - a print from my third Surimono Album.

The fifth set shows the sequence of printing the colours on a complex print from my fourth Surimono Album.

Extra bonus! Mr. Robin Morris has prepared a complex Flash Animation (3.6Mb) that gives an interesting view of the colours building up on this same image. If you enjoy it, please drop him a line and let him know!

This set illustrates the colour printing of a Sharaku reproduction from my fifth Surimono Album.

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All material Copyright © 1998~2003 David Bull