Just time for a quick update this morning ... to try and pre-empt some of the emails and phone calls coming in from the collectors who are waiting for their scrolls!
Things are on track ... very late, but on track. Enough batches of prints have now been returned from the scroll mounting company to fill all the waiting orders. The paulownia wood boxes finally arrived from the manufacturer, and are - as we speak - over at the home of the lady who is doing the calligraphy on them.
The final printed 'Progress Report' is now laid out, proofed, and ready for printing out at Kinko's, and sometime today or tomorrow I will be visiting the shipping supplies company to bring home some rolls of cardboard.
In other words - we're just about ready to launch this thing! Everybody should have their scroll before the end of the month, and when I get a minute (hah!), I'll try and get some update pages done to fill in some of the blanks from the past couple of months. (Although actually, there is very little to 'show' ... just day after day of printing ...)
Thanks for everybody's patience!
Posted by Dave Bull at 10:15 AM | Comments (2)