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Barrelling along ...

Around a year ago, I gave a presentation on my work at one in a series of monthly meetings sponsored by an old and famous o-sake making company. Roll ahead one year, and I get an invitation from them the other day to participate in a kind of ceremonial thing they have got going, to celebrate their 350th anniversary, or some such occasion.

Long story short, what they are doing is taking apart one of the old huge casks that they use to make sake, and passing out the 36 staves to 36 'famous' people, to do 'something' with. The staves will then all be returned to the company, where they will be re-assembled into a cask, and put on display.

I was one of the people selected, and - of course - used the stave to create a woodblock for printing. Calligraphy was the obvious choice, but I suspect that this is what most of the participants will do with their pieces, the wood being tall and thin ...

So it arrived a couple of days ago, and I just finished chopping some calligraphy into it this morning.

I'll now send it back to them for re-assembly. I guess I'll be getting an invite to the grand party one day in early April ... Have to see if I can find some socks somewhere ...

Posted by Dave Bull at 5:14 PM | Comments (5)