[Here's the latest from Si ... (click for enlargements)]
Got the chicken fence up, finally, can go outside now without having to watch every step.
Garden shed almost done, with place under the roof for Songkran's outdoor kitchen. Trying to have a lawn, but it's going to be a struggle, I think...
The other end of the backyard, with the patio having turned into the kid's play zone. Pool's a real hit, perfect for hot afternoons.
Thai combine harvester, the harvest of which will end up...
...in Sing's brand new rice house. Water and rice-tight, the grains will be dumped in through...
...this specially prepared doorway. the panels are added one at a time as the thing fills up, and are numbered because they have been individually planed to let no rice escape. That's the story, though I saw a couple of places where you could drive a dinky toy through, dunno.
Finally, this shot from Pam and Pak's b'day party. I had a real jolt of deja-vu when I took this, do we have something in the family archives with little crew-cut kids sitting on the floor?
[Dave: Yep!]
Posted by Dave Bull at 8:28 AM | Comments (8)